Inclusive diet of Balanites aegyptiaca Del defatted protein meal and protein concentrate on organ weight and diabetic conditioned Liver of Wister Albino rat

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Ogori Akama Friday
Eke M O
Abu J. O


The study was on the In-vivo anti-oxidant influence of the Aduwa protein-inclusive diet on organ weight and anti-oxidant capability. Five albino rats were assigned to one of 4 treatment groups. Group 1 served as control; groups 2, 3, 4 and 5 were orally treated with 35 mg STZ/kg/ BW for 14 days and diet made of Aduwa meal and protein concentrate was introduced to groups 4 and 5. Results showed that DAM significantly attenuated TBARS, regenerated liver cells and kidneys, increased catalase activity, and enhanced feed intake levels. The endogenous anti-oxidant such as GST, GPx, SOD, and the level of reduced GSH in rat liver and kidney weight gain were enhanced when APC was supplemented in the group diet. APC diet influenced oxidative stress in rats' livers through free radical scavenging capability. DAM and APC diet samples could significantly potentiate liver cellular integrity and regeneration, as well as excellent ingredients in food processing and as pharmaceutical incipient.

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